TLDR: I was invited to co-host a bunch of NAKED DINNERS and somehow found a way to work in an ancient history angle ?? Also one was in BERLIN ??
Remember how I went to a naked dinner a little while ago ?? WELL in a ridiculously fortuitous turn of events I went on to CO-HOST a bunch !! (this is my Cinderella story.) After being BLOWN AWAY my my first ever Fude Experience, I fangirled so hard over Charlie Ann Max that we ended up meeting one afternoon to debrief ~~ as we were chatting we got carried away and ended up PLOTTING another one, with the theme of MUSE / MUSEUMS, with this one focussing on artistic depictions of nudity throughout history (literally my favourite thing in the world).
Before I delve in to the FULL rundown (I have so many cute film pics ahhHHHH) I seriously have to take a second to express my immense gratitude to Charlie <3 It has been the most ridiculous honour and privilege to work with her ~ to go from being STARSTRUCK the first time I met her to sharing several google docs full of event prep and decompressing post-event in a Berlin spa, it has just been the most fabulous whirlwind and I am so grateful. I really cannot speak more highly of the Fude Experience - having both attended and hosted them, they are, without a doubt, one of the most moving, memorable and invigorating things I’ve ever been lucky enough to be a part of.
Now just to RECAP - Charlie and I hosted two MUSE / MUSEUMS Fude Experiences ~ one in London and one in Berlin (!!) and then capped it all off with a brand new theme, RENAISSANCE & REBIRTH, for Charlie’s final Fude Experience in Europe before heading back to LA. I’m gonna whizz through the highlights of all 3 for you!!
The first MUSE / MUSEUMS dinner was an absolute DREAM. An early highlight was running around Whole Foods with Charlie the night before ~ it was such an insight into her process and just how much care and thought goes into the menu each time. I was also particularly FRANTIC with excitement because Anissa Kermiche - the hugely talented ceramicist and jewellery maker - kindly gifted Charlie a whole BUNCH of stunning tableware along with a gold boobie necklace for each guest to take home!
Pictured here is Anissa’s clear Popotin Gl(ass) ~ buy it here! the actual bum (yes, my bum) is sold separately.
The evening began with a movement exercise led by Charlie, helping everyone to loosen up and relax into the experience. ANOTHER Charlie, Charlie Moult, of Source Breathwork, facilitated a grounding breath-work session that really helped the night flow. I’m such a convert to this whole breathwork thing, ever since my first experience with it just blew my mind and I’ve become evangelical!! Seriously just listen to a 15 minute recording of it, it’s such a gamechanger.
After the breathwork we moved to the life drawing activity part of the night ~ and I just ADORED this. We split the group in half - half of the guests modelled as the other half drew them and then we swapped !! Charlie helped get everyone into poses where they felt comfortable and I helped guide the artists - it was unlike anything I’ve ever facilitated, it was truly unique, hugely powerful and so meditative.
Once we sat down to eat we got into the conversation side of things. This was my first time facilitating this sort of art-history discussion and I LOVED IT. I selected a handful of artworks, all with some sort of nudity, wrote some notes and distributed them randomly all around the table. We went round and discussed everything from the artist’s intention, and the function of nudity to guests’ personal connection to the work. Everyone offered such distinctive perspectives at every dinner, it’s really helped me have a far more expansive view of each artwork and art in general.
Like a week later Charlie just ~ casually ~ sends me this text asking if I’d like to come with her to Berlin to host MUSE / MUSEUMS again ???!!!! I squealed like a hyperactive piglet and immediately replied ABSOLUTELY YES. It felt ridiculously surreal FLYING somewhere for an event?? Also the venue was INSANE - Lobe Block is a sexy, exposed concrete event-space that feels very Berlin. I foraged in their garden before the event (Charlie sent me out looking for herbs, meanwhile I wouldn’t know what a herb looked like if it slapped me across the face), and I helped her with more of the food prep (I rolled a helluva lot of couscous into a multitude of eggplants which was actually very therapeutic).
Also cabbage leaves as candleholders?? What sort of aesthetically-minded WIZARD comes up with that??
A documentary crew had approached Charlie (I know!!), asking to film one of her events to add to a film they’re working on about the history of nudity. Having a big ass camera and boom mic floating around added a serious degree of legitimacy which was so damn cool. The guests were a really vibrant, high-energy group - conversations were bouncing off the walls and so many numbers and ig handles were exchanged by the end of the night <3 There were also some really strong responses to some of the art - the pieces were divisive, even inflammatory. Guests feeling comfortable enough to express the depth of their feeling was both humbling and gratifying.
The final dinner was in A CHURCH. A gosh-darn CHURCH (feels weird writing goddamn so I’m channeling Ned Flanders for a hot sec). The night’s theme was Renaissance & Rebirth - also there was this absolutely INSANE storm going on when we rocked up to the venue which added to the DRAMA ?? Like the venue wasn’t bringing ENOUGH ??
Okay let’s just take a moment to process the venue. We hired the Nave at St Ethelburga's and it was spectacular. Wildly high ceilings, stained glass and stunning columns (y’all know I can’t go past a good column). We had a smaller group of guests for the final Fude Experience so it had a more mellow, intimate vibe ~ guests gathered around sipping apple cider and just soaked in the majesty of the space we were in.
Charlie opened with a variation of the movement exercise she typically kicks things off with and then it was on to breathwork. A moment of absurd hilarity ensued when Charlie had begun playing her chosen recording - we got through about thirty seconds when the bloody church bells started going - safe to say they weren’t QUIET - Charlie and I doubled over with silent laughter. Not sure how meditative the clanging truly was but we respect the DRAMA, the THEATRE of it all.
The life drawing was particular sublime, I felt like I was looking at a painting by Botticelli. The setting, as well as the realism, elevated those posing to the status of timeless divinities. (I’d share the pics, they are staggering, but they’re essentially group nudes so best to leave a fraction of the night to the imagination).
My art selection was far sharper by the time we got around to our third dinner - I think some of the choices I made for Berlin didn’t have enough narrative to them so there wasn’t as much to say. The Renaissance works, however, had a lot more going on, and because we were a smaller group, guests didn’t hesitate to go into a bit more detail and the discussion flowed from all parts of the table which I just loved.
Then Charlie hit us with a MEGA question - after we covered the Renaissance part of the evening it was over to her to discuss rebirth.
She asked the table, “What has had to die inside you in order for you to be reborn?”
Now this, THIS is where the magic that is Charlie truly shines through. I can chat until I’m blue in the face about art, history and all that jazz but Charlie not only masterminds the whole event, cooking THREE COURSES for every Fude Experience, she simultaneously creates this beautifully nourishing, safe and supportive space that really encourages people to open up. We went round the table and all shared some really personal things - it was tender and heartening.
There you have it ~ a brief recap of my cinderella story :’)
It’s been the most dreamy few months and I am so grateful to Charlie and to each and every one of you that attended one of these dinners - connecting with so many inspiring, creative and supportive people has brought me more joy that I have words to describe (and if you got to the end of this, you’ll know how much I love my damn words).
******* ALSO, real quick, one last thing: a moment that had me CACKLING - we were drenched in the Uber on the way back to mine after the final dinner and there was a spider on the inside of Charlie’s window. (Perhaps a visitor sent by Arachne?) It was just chilling at first which was kind of okay but then it started rappelling towards her which she didn’t LOVE so she brought the window down to get rid of the critter, ideally encouraging him to scuttle away. She brought the window back up again and he was nowhere to be seen (to be clear she did not INTEND to kill the spidey, I cannot stress this enough!!!). Then semi-exhausted Charlie started spouting “Renaissance!! Rebirth!! Find new life little one!!” And it just fucking SENT ME. ********